Friday, December 7, 2007

Halloween Costumes: Unique Ideas

There are 1001 columns out there purporting to find your most appropriate Halloween costume according to your Sun sign. We’re above such superficial approaches here (but we are definitely not above dressing up for Halloween!). Instead, consider dressing up according to the planet ruling your Ascendant, which is the planet symbolizing your ego. And isn’t Halloween all about letting your ego roam free of societal fetters?

As always, traditional sign rulers are used, modified by the sign in which the planet is placed. Thus:

Mars (rules Aries, Scorpio rising) – think masculine and macho, modified by the nature of the sign in which Mars is placed.

Mars in Taurus or Libra? Sexy police officer or something with lots of leather. Gigolo.

Mars in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces? Pirate, sailor, harpoon fisherman.

Mars in Aries? Soldier, gladiator, cowboy, or matador.

Mars in Gemini or Virgo? Trial lawyer, fencer, Formula One driver.

Mars in Leo can go as Napoleon, Caesar, Alexander, etc. Lion-tamer, Hercules, or big game hunter.

Mars in Sagittarius? Knight, jockey, or equestrian (horse optional, but recommended). Archer.

Mars in Capricorn or Aquarius is a power executive, Alpine mountaineer, or a buff construction worker.

This series will run occasionally over the next ten days or so. I’d love to hear your ideas for each planet, or an astrologically-appropriate outfit you have worn in the past. I have Mars in a water sign, and once went as a pirate (this was before I got into astrology).

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