Thursday, November 29, 2007

Science versus Astrology

Facts of Astrology
Basically, science’s rejection of astrology is based on ignorance. Science’s ignorance. When the astronomer Edmond Halley asked Sir Isaac Newton (essentially the “patron science of physics”) how he could possibly believe in astrology, Sir Isaac answered, “Because I have studied the matter, Sir. You have not.” And therein lies the crux of the matter. When Shakespeare made the comment of the “stars influencing our lives”, he too was mis- or un-informed. Astrology is about the planets of our solar system,

Another example of the ignorance of mainstream science is the oft-quoted astronomer’s notation of the Precession of the Equinoxes, and how this somehow makes astrology invalid. In fact, on the day this was being written, NPR’s “Star Date” had a brief, lucid explanation about the sun entering Ophiuchus -- what astronomers like to refer to as the 13th constellation of the Zodiac. In turns out that in 1930 astronomers had decided that the allegedly arbitrary division of the Zodiac into 12 equal segments of 30 degrees each was not in keeping with actual sizes of the constellations. Scorpio, for example, spans a much smaller section of sky than say Pisces. While the NPR report was well done and basically accurate, others have taken the position that because of the slow rotation of the Earth’s axis on a 25,920 year cycle, this ensures that the portion of the sky that was in Pisces four thousand years ago, is no longer the same portion of the sky now. And thus the constellations are not the same as in the days when astrology was born -- and what astrology calls Scorpio is no longer related to the constellation of Scorpio.
Thus the only effect of the Precession of the Equinoxes on astrology is to provide one point of evidence as to when astrology was first being developed -- i.e. several thousand years ago, when the time of year now allotted to Capricorn (following the winter solstice) was also the time when the sun had as a background of stars, the constellation Capricorn. Otherwise, this slow movement of the earth’s axis has no effect on astrology whatsoever. And accordingly, the Precession is an ally of Astrology -- not an enemy.

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