Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Astrology works on the principle "As above, so below", that the macrocosm (sky) is reflected in the microcosm (earth). It is because of this that an atom looks suspiciously like a miniature solar system and a swirling hurricane like a galaxy - it is a similarity of pattern. At birth the first breath a baby takes fixes into its reality the particular sky-picture for that time and place, so a horoscope is drawn for that first moment. The star patterns in the sky can reflect the soul's blueprint for the baby.

Although some people think the planets exert some kind of magnetic pull on us to explain why Astrology works, I don't believe that is totally accurate. The more plausible explanation is that the planets are harmonically resonating with the earth and each other, thus creating vibration patterns (like a ripple effect) which earth-life responds to on an instinctual level.

There is an interesting story about a man named John Nelson, who worked for RCA back in the 1950's doing experiments on predicting radio-TV broadcast blackouts. He found that some of the classic Astrological aspects (conjunction, opposition and square) existed between Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Earth and Sun when blackouts would occur. By plotting them he could predict blackout areas with better than 92% accuracy and the computers of that day (which were as big as a whole city block) could only forecast with 85% accuracy. RCA ended up giving him his own department to continue this unusual work. Nowadays we have satellites to take care of the blackout problem. All of this just underscores how there may indeed be some kind of physical phenomenon at work to explain Astrology's effects, but it probably isn't magnetism.


Did you know for instance that you can schedule elective surgery to minimize surgical complications by checking the moon sign? Or that you can plant gardens and crops to grow better at certain moon phases? Or that you can enhance chances for a good marriage by picking an appropriate wedding date by the stars?
"To everything there is a season, and a time and a purpose…"
Besides timing major events, Astrology is good for self-understanding. It is an excellent way to understand other loved ones too. You can even compare two charts for love compatibility, finding out what weakness and strengths you have as a couple. Many psychologists are taking up the study of Astrology to use in their counseling practice because it enables them to get past the games their patients use to sidestep painful self-examination. Astrology can also be used for seeing trends in the economy for the stock market. It can answer specific questions like "where will I find my lost keys" with a type of charting called Horary. In Mundane Astrology, political trends can be mapped. Locational Astrology helps find the best areas to live in to enhance career or love-life. Vocational Astrology can help you find an appropriate career path...

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