Thursday, July 3, 2008

Astrology - Fact or Fiction You Decide

In the defining sense astrology is the teaching of the stars and many people will tell you that it led to people studying astronomy even more. In today's world though astrology is the study of the position of the sun, moon, and planets in relation to events and how they unfold in someone's life. Probability is one of the main things that astrologers use to make a forecast and they rely on it very heavily. Just as we do when we make predictions about the weather or anything else in our everyday lives, In today's world we seem to love to know the unknown and this fascination has us wondering is this stuff fact or fiction.

As a kid you would look up to the stars and just sit at utter amazement, this is what many people think about astrology it's amazing while others have an not so glowing review of it. I don't think there really are too many people who can say they have never looked at their horoscope. This tells me that there is some demand for it or it wouldn't be here. It's a complex debate that seems to get bigger every year.

According to many people astrology is a basic road map of your lives and how they may turn out. Others believe it's just something to get people to believe something that just aren't true, one thing is for sure both sides have valid points and neither side wants to budge on the point. Let's take both sides of the issue first. The nonbeliever say it's used to foster a false hope in something that isn't going to happen and it lets people down when things just don't come true. Money also plays an issue into this as million's dollars are spent on astrology products yearly and many people are obviously offended by that others aren't. Then we have the believers who will cite you case after case of predictions that have come true.

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