Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Astrology - The First Science

Astrology soon became an incredibly complex practice. By 2000 B.C., the magi of Mesopotamia believed that everything in the universe was connected. Besides studying the stars, magi's looked for omens in the weather, predicted the future by using the liver & intestines of animals. They also believed that they were able to hear the words of trees, dogs, cats & insects.

Astrology was used to explore the position of Earth & other heavenly bodies, long before other sciences came along. Astrology & astronomy were considered one science in the ancient times. Astrologers were thought of as the best educated people, they understood; math, astronomy, spiritual symbols and mystic meanings, psychology, and human nature.

Astrology was taught in colleges until the 1600's, it was at this time that "rational science" took over. Most astrologer, today are still well-educated & have degrees in many different fields. Most frequently astrologers have been trained in psychology and counseling. They also have in-depth knowledge in astrology & a great deal if spiritual understanding.

In astrology, the connections between the signs & parts of the body hold together the cosmos, as the way the body parts hold together the human body in "rational science". Shakespeare's Hamlet summed it up when he said, "What a piece of work man is".

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