Friday, December 26, 2008

Mystrious Scarpio

As the blazing Sun and fortunate Jupiter enter Scorpio at the end of October 2005, we are embarking upon a powerful new year of truly scorpionic vibrations! Sue Hopper has written a wonderful article on the subject of Sex, Death and Rebirth — the essence of the Scorpion heart — which we first published some time ago on this site. Isn't it just the thing to publish again here on Astrology on the Web, since this is the beginning of a fabulously Scorpio year. Now, read on...

I learned everything I know about seducing a man from a Scorpio woman who was my best childhood friend. She seduced everyone who made eye contact with her... she was beautiful, mysterious, and untamable. She introduced me to incense, candles, essential oils, exotic, ethnic styles and fashions. She opened my mind to something beyond the Catholicism I had been raised with... she introduced me to Buddha and intrigued me with visions of Ganesh and Kali. For nearly ten years she and I were a force to be reckoned with... she was the one all the boys wanted, but I was the only one she remained remotely loyal to.

As a more submissive Pisces, I was perfectly happy to sit back and let her take the lead. Unfortunately, drug abuse took a toll on her and she descended into madness. Our paths diverged sharply many years ago, and she went on to a life of prostitution while I chose a conventional, family oriented lifestyle. Yet her imprint on me remains strong... it can be seen in the way I dress, the way I decorate my home, and yes, the way I seduce those with whom I seek intimacy.

Immortality... or Immorality!
If you want to learn about immortality, seek out a Scorpio. If you are interested in immorality, a Scorpio may be willing to help you out, too! Temptations of every kind will threaten to lure Scorpio to the darkest sides of life, but the experience of death in all its forms is a prerequisite for those who want to be schooled in the mysteries of life. Whether it is the death of ego, le petit mort of sex, or a more traumatic event that leaves the native reeling, Scorpio is called upon to brave the annihilation of All That Is to prepare for what Is To Come. Sadly, many are eventually overcome by deeply buried anger and resentment. Poisoned by the bitterness of life, they seem unable to escape the cycle of destruction and become living wraiths, like my childhood friend and first husband. The Scorpion who can rise above the lower vibrations created by the disharmony and pain in life eventually becomes a Dove... a symbol of the spirit reborn. The next time you meet a Scorpio, pay attention! It might just be time for you to touch the hand of fate and dance with eternity.

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