Thursday, September 4, 2008

Vedic vs. Western Astrology

The configuration of the Zodiac is also different in a Vedic approach to astrology. Rather than the tropical configuration that is common in western disciplines, the Vedic form of astrology makes use of what is known as a sidereal version of the Zodiac. This is understood to allow for divining more specific details and calculating results based on a more focused evaluation of the procession of heavenly bodies.

While not well known in the west, Vedic astrology has begun to capture more attention outside of India over the last few decades. Part of this has been due to the increased interest in Eastern religion among persons in the West.

At the same time, persons who are devoted to astrology in general have begun to consider study of the Vedic tradition to be a means of tapping into a whole new concept of how to employ the process. Without a doubt, people will be hearing more about this ancient form of astrology in the years to come.

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